Jackson County Board of Commissioners
Work Session - Budget Workshop
January 10, 2017
Justice Center, Room A-201 & Room A-227
The overall goal of this initial meeting is to discuss in broad terms the upcoming FY 17-18 budget cycle. The discussions will be broken down into three major categories: 1. Personnel 2. Captial 3. Operational. A more specific intent of this meeting is to ensure that the Board and staff have the same understanding of some basic budgetary concepts. And finally it is intended that the Board provide feedback in regards to direction and additional information desired for future budget meetings.
1. Review of Budget Calendar (Calendar)
2. Personnel Overview
A. Personnel Policy
B. Employee Benefits (Item b)
C. Pay Plan Overview (Item c-1) (Item c-2)
3. Capital Overview
A. Defining and Categorizing Capital (Item a)
B. Review of Current FY 16-17 Major Capital Projects & Proposed Capital
Improvements Plans (Item b-1) (Item b-2)
C.Review of Prioritization & Financing Options for Major Capital (Item c)
4. Operational Discussions
Open discussion on any operational initiatives.
5. Other Business