The Jackson County Addressing Office provides a uniform system of permanent road addresses for all residences and businesses throughout the County in order to facilitate provision of adequate public safety and emergency response services.

The numerical street addresses are assigned according to the distance a structure is located along a road. Even numbers are found on the right side of the road and odd numbers are on the left side of the road.

The objective of Road Naming is to eliminate duplicates of sound alike or similar road names within the same Postal Group.  A road name shall be assigned to any public or private roadways, which provides access to three or more residences, businesses, industries or a combination thereof, regardless of the length of the road.

Road Naming Ordinances

Applying for Address Assignments on Civic Access - CLICK HERE

9-1-1 Addressing Coordinator

Zeb Holland



  • Physical address can be applied for as soon as the driveway location has been established on the site plan.  Once the address has been assigned, the driveway cannot be moved, as this is a distance measurement for the residence or business.
  • Vacant land will not receive a physical address.
    • Before the final inspection is performed on the residence or business by the Jackson County Building Inspections Office.
    • Directly on the house or business which can be seen from the roadway.
    • If the house or business cannot be seen from the roadway, a second set of numbers should be posted at the entrance of the driveway.

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