Jackson County Board of Commissioners
Work Session
February 16, 2016
- 10:00 am Self-Funded Employee Health Plan – Bob Carpenter and Steve Harris (Item 1)
- 10:30 am Creating a job profile for next county manager – David Nicholson, NCACC
- 11:30 am Glenville Community Center Improvements – Carolyn Franz (Item 3) (Item 3a)
- 11:45 am Future Revaluation Schedule and Budget – Bobby McMahan & Darlene Fox (Item 4)
- Noon Sheriff’s Department (Jail camera system, overtime utilization, and cost of housing
- inmates while jail was painted) – Chip Hall & Shannon Queen (Item 5)
- 12:15 pm Lunch
- 1:00 pm Developing a Capital Improvements Priority List – Chuck Wooten (Item 7)
- 2:30 pm Cullowhee Planning Committee Appointments (Item 8)
- 2:45 pm Possible Amendments to Employee Health Plan (Item 9)
- 3:00 pm Other Business and Adjournment